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Ugo Ojetti (Rome 1871- Florence 1946) 

Writer, essayist, journalist, Ojetti began his collaboration with the Corriere della Sera in 1898 first as an art critic and then, for a brief period (1926-27) as director.
He conceived and organized important art shows and numerous editorial projects among which are the collections Le più belle pagine degli scrittori italiani scelte da scrittori viventi and I classici Rizzoli.
From 1904 to 1908 he collaborated with L’Illustrazione Italiana.
He also founded and directed the art magazine Dedalo(1920-33), literature magazine Pègaso(1929-33), and the magazine of letters, music and art Pan (1933-35).
Ojetti also served as direct of the section History of medieval and modern art(1925-29) and member of the executive consul of the Enciclopedia Italiana (1925-33).
In 1930 he was nominated scholar of Italy.

Principle works:

Alla scoperta dei letterati (1895);
I capricci del conte Ottavio, vol. 2 (1908-09);
Ritratti d’artisti italiani, vol. 2 (1911-23);
I nani tra le colonne (1920);
Raffaello e altre leggi (1921);
La pittura italiana del Seicento e del Settecento (1924);
La pittura italiana dell’Ottocento (1929);
Cose viste, vol. 7 (1923-39);
Atlante di storia dell’arte italiana, vol. 2 (1925-34).

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